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Some thoughts for those who didn't match.. - diverticulosis
Diverticulosis i am also in dc/md area and thinking of going into psych....anybody think chicago clerkships is a good idea for psych externships??
did not match this year also, terrible time
@ Diverticulosis
I applied to only IM the first time, and added some FM late in the process. Got one FM IV from connection, but did not match. The second time, I applied mostly to FM and a little IM with step 3. Got 1 FM IV and did not match. This time around, I applied to mostly FM and very little IM. Got 1 IM IV. Did not match. I have done externships/observerships (Union memorial) and thought I will get an IV there, but did not receive one...they put me on hold and never got back to me. I think I have done quite a bit of externships/observerships. Did all clinical rotations in the US. So I think now I will focus my attention on research with publication/abstracts/posters. I don't have any experience with this, but that is what I am lacking. Most people on this forum are willing to help, so I will ask questions and get into it. Observerships are a good way to build contact and get LORs so go for it and apply to multiple specialties. Next year, I plan to apply to FM, IM, and Psch.
Hi guys.. 'I'm new to this forum.. my scores are 210 and 206 , visa needing img, applying for peds.. have some 4 months usce..any suggestions on how to improve my profile ? thank you very much.
@ mbbs2012: hey thanks I really appreciate it. connections seems to be the key, i had 1 friend who only had 1 interview but it was at a program where she did an observership, and she matched there. so i'm looking for programs where i can make connections for residency. thanks for the comments Smile

@ defeatthebeast: I can't really speak for chicago clerkships, but I contacted a few hospitals in the area and most don't offer anything. I'm still searching so hopefully I can find something while I study for step 3

@ mitch_md: it's all about LOR's lol, thats why attendings treat us like shit sometimes because they know we're gonna ask haha. But Columbia def sounds good im jus worried of the cost of living there. I've also contacted a hospital here in DC so I'm hoping I can do some work there while I study.
I feel your pain. I'm an old grad with multiple attempts. I had applied 3 times and i finally made it. I passed step 3 to prove I can pass the boards. I swallowed my pride and embarrassment and I used all my family and friends contacts to help me get into research. And it was shuffling papers. But after a year they put me in some posters. and that helped my cv. I was unpaid labor for two years but I showed i had clinical experience. I almost gave up. My friends pulled for me. I carried my cv around with me all the time. They were asking around. And I thought it was courtesy interview, meaning as a favor to an attending. And then it turned out I was offered a position to my shock. So it can happen. Keep the faith. But i am glad your eyes are wide open. Soooo good luck and keep faith and believe in yourself.
after reading all of your stories I felt like sharing my story,,but I don't know where to start from. should I share how I was born with difficulties or should I share my failure story in us,,i was born in a very poor family in india and lost my father before I get to know him. my mother worked really hard to raise me I still remember how we suffered living in a house(I barely call it a house)where there is no electricity and not even a toilet. but against all odds I worked really hard to secure a medical seat in an esteemed med school. I was able to complete my medschool with the help of scholarships from people. I moved to united states with the aspirations of becoming a great doctor but then I realized how hard it will be without proper financial support. I started working at a store to pay my tuition for my masters degree and i couldn't give my exams as i was working full time to support myself and my mom(in india) 3 years passed and i couldn't even open the textbook. then i fell into depression that everyone of my friends are joining residency and i didn't give step1. i suffered from major depression for almost the same time pressure of getting married was building up on me.i married to my longtime boyfriend but unfortunately he was also trying for residency. he had an attempt in cs. but he already completed his exams and i didn't even start my prep,so i encouraged him to try for residency.he joined research at a community hospital and i continued working. whenever i get time i prepared for exams i have given step one and i got 202 which is very poor husband didn't get the residency that year. with his attempt he couldn't take a chance to try at some other place so he continued there. he worked very hard for 3 years with out success. there were many politics in that program and everytime they said they ranked him but never matched. i have completed my exams during this period and my scores are 202/230 cs 1st attempt and 210.and i am a 2007 graduate
evey match day was a misery for us. but we didn't loose hope.we have borrowed money from many friends and we maxed up on credit cards. there was not even a single day we didn't work. this time instead of him i applied for the residency . i have travelled many places and did observerships wherever i had an opportunity.i worked in research also but couldn't get any publications. i got very good recommendations from the attendings. one attending took very good interest in me and emailed to all the programs i applied to. i couldn't apply many programs due to my financial limitations. i got 4 interviews and all went very well. everybody said they liked me very much at interviews and post iv communications. and they gave good feedback to the attending as well. but still i was skeptical about the result because i know how unlucky i am. as expected i didn't match.
i cried day and night. i couldn't sleep,eat or think.i wanted to give up and move on with my life. i felt(still feeling)guilty that we are not able to show some good days to our parents.they don't deserve this. but now i have decided that i will not give up.i cant change my yog but i can l improve my resume by joining research. we have lost somuch in this pursuit and now i cant let all this struggle go in vein. i am atleast fortunate that the attending still backs me up. always tells me that i am better than most of the residents at his esteemed university and i will be an asset to the program wherever i go to and he will do the same help he did if i have decided to apply next i hope that there will be a happy ending to my lifetime struggle at some point.
Hi examck, your story is really touching and I'm sorry you're facing the struggle like many of us. I really thought this was my year but GOD just punched me in the stomach really hard. And I agree with the feeling that we let our parents down in a way, even now I know my parents will always support me but I can see the disappointment on their faces; they're ready for me to move on and settle down but I'm now again stuck in the same place I was last year. I really hope you don't give up, I still think there is a chance for you. I've seen people with older YOG and poorer scores match. May I ask what specialty you're applying for?

Hi, examck, there are many of us old img, each has a touching story to tell. That is a common theme that runs through this forum over and over again, you are not unique. I don't know what specialty you are applying, if you have not tried Psychiatry, maybe you can give it some consideration. It is a wonderful and fulfilling career, just go to this link, and listen to what these doctors have to say: (you don't need to take my word for it)

it has a great tolerance for low scores, attempts, and long YOG. You can see most old img with attempts on this forum (including myself) succeeded in Psychiatry. I am not seeing that happening with IM - partially because the ridiculous high scores the younger generations get - they have a talent for these standard test. So they pushed the bar higher for IM.

diverticulosis is on the right track - in my opinion. Wish you all the best.
@Md 101

I have been using new MTB 3 for few days and the only major difference I find is the BASIC SCIENCE CORRELATE boxes, where it explains step 1 topics to easily understand. I did not finished whole book though.

Hope it helped.
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