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Full Version: Gait - s_star
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name the conditions/dz causing

1-hypokinetic gait
2-waddling gait
3-spastic gait
4-wide based gait
5-enbloc gait
6-dystonic gait
add other types of gait also
2.bilateral dislocation of hip
4.cerebellar vermis lesion or (is it also seen in alocholics in drunken state)
some others -

enbloc - I am not sure - is it parkinsons?
Dystonic gait - dystonic syndromes/basal ganglia diorder

Diplegic Gait - bilateral periventricular lesions
Neuropathic Gait ,High steppage gait - peripheral nerve disease
Myopathic Gait - girdle weakness ( bilateral weakness/ proximal muscles myopathy with waddling gait)
Choreiform Gait - choreoathetoisis,basal ganglia disorders ( anpother name for dystonic gait )
Ataxic Gait - midline cerebellar disease,sensory ataxia ( similar to wide based gait)

if i remember it right...i think en bloc gait seen in pseudoparkinsonism....
1-hypokinetic gait----parkinsonism

2-waddling gait-----muscular dystrophy

3-spastic gait------upper motor neuron lesion(e.g spinal cord injury or cerebral palsy)

4-wide based gait-----sensory ataxia(involving dorsal root or post column or peripheral nerves)

5-enbloc gait------vestibular ataxia