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Full Version: A 47-year-old man - malak
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A 47-year-old man is described by coworkers as being intensely competitive, driven, hostile, distrustful, excitable, and anxious. The man complains of being tense, easily bored, and unhappy. Mental status examination reveals increased psychomotor activity with many quick shifts of posture, pressured speech, and irritability. According to psychosomatic theory, which of the following disorders is most likely to occur in such a person?

A: Cancer
B: Coronary artery disease (CAD)
C: Emphysema
D: Migraine
E: Peptic ulcer disease
The signs and symptoms are most suggestive of œtype A behavior, described as a constellation of personality traits that include anger, ambition, competitiveness, hostility, and impatience. Such behavior has been associated with an increased risk for coronary artery disease (CAD), at least in middle-aged U.S. citizens (choice B).
Cancer (choice A), emphysema (choice C), migraine (choice D), and peptic ulcer disease (choice E) have not been as convincingly associated with these traits