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Full Version: Who Knows? - ben
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A 37-year-old female with a history of bipolar disorder presents to her physician for a medication check. She has been taking the same dose of lithium carbonate daily for over 3 years. She is in generally good health, does not smoke, and has not had a manic episode for several years. Given this patient's history, the values of which of the following routine laboratory tests is most likely to have remained the same over time?

A. Serum blood urea nitrogen level (BUN)

B. Serum creatinine level

C. Serum lithium level

D. Thyroid stimulating hormone level (TSH)

E. White blood cell count
ben what a q in this hour of the day ?? u should have come up with simple one anyways let me the first one to get it wrong D
Its am here buddy? Have you already taken step2ck?
C. Serum lithium level
yeah, of course , the C
C, serum Lithium level since bipolar is a mood disorder and she has been stable for 3 years.
why not wbc
i thnk it is either c or
but lithem never affect wbc
C of sure.
why u so sure ?
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