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Full Version: jthurma.kaili, plz help me - drsatya
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hi, i am studying kap pharma, but there are some video lectures missing in my DVD. THERE ARE NO 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 KAPLAN VIDEO LECTURES. i heard from some of my friends that u do have this. plz send me the link or plz mail me at djas234
Hi, Drsatya,

I really do not have kap DVD. Could you use kap audio instead if you'd like?

If someone has these chapters for kap pharma DVD, PLEASE HELP her or him.

Thanks aaaaaaaaa lot in advance.
Same here, D

I don't have the KapDVDs either. I'm two years away from the USMLE, in fact, I just started medschool today, but I'm still trying to get them myself and if I find/am given them, I'll make sure I post them here.

thx guys,anyway if u need any help it will b pleasure