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Does any one knows if there is any one who got his osias updated and he could reapply for the test and he pass it ?
I got my osias upated and i can reapply ,,,,, do that mean that i need to retake it???????
iam in the same boat.back breaking pain,lets wait for card

I did Osias trick for my step 1 and I could reapply for step 1....I was sooooo upset . I couldn't sleep for whole night, but .....when I got my mail result I passed it. !!!!!
ninadocy is this really true???please... if it is I can still have some hopes???
sakia did u get your result yet?
Just now got my mail-guys move on no hopes ,time waste.clear ur heads and prepare best for nextt
Don't worry now go back to your books and take it again but very fast, so you won't forget anything. Don't let the depression make you forget what with all of this efforts you learned.
Go you'll make it.
sakia, where do u live? I havent recd it yet, When do u plan to take it again? I am aiming for dec what abt u?
same dec--started reading again.
my problem was ,I took the exam, in avery short time 2.5 months prep ,i should not have done that.q's were from direct practise.well,bad step,better luck next time.
we will have our slot.
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