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Full Version: really need help - hopepass
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i am an out sider to this forum & get lots of info. but now i need ur help. I am studing for step1. my boyfriend passed step 1&2 with >95 & gives me strength but now failed cs in oasis trick.Our dream LOST & i can not read a single page. am really confused. any help too move on.
please i need help any one there i knoew u are busy
Hey hope...failing CS is pretty common nowadays for fmg's ever since they reverted to the new format. If your Bf has score more than 95+ in both steps, he's got a very good chance of getting a good sresidency program.
U can always retake ur CS and it wont count negatively towards his application....I've known ppl who failed CS (these included class toppers too) and got into good residency progs....Its simply coz we r not used to this type of structure and we lack -"communication skills " which are totally diffferent.

Dont worry about his successes / failures...try to concentrate on ur scores. If u worry about his...u will be putting more pressure on urself trying to emulate him. Good luck and maybe u both could take a day off to chill out...go watch a movie - "Flag of our Fathers"

Good luck,
really thanks for ur resp. i even not interested to go outside but it is a good sugession & we will take a day off as u said. We need to relax & see that movie.
thanks again.
A Winner™s Creed

If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don™t,
If you™d like to win, but think you can™t,
It™s almost a cinch you won™t.
If you think you™ll lose, you™re lost,
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a person™s faith;
It™s all in the state of mind.
Life™s battles don™t always go
To the stronger or faster hand;
They go to the one who trusts in God
And always thinks œI can.

This is my Mantra for Life. Always think I can.

Our failures make us even more stronger. Take a break, go outside, enjoy life.When u are up to it ,analyse, why u failed, Do u need communication skills, do u need a partner to practise, do u need extra help like videos/ notes, etc. ask the forum & u will get it .

All the support in one place

Most important BE CONFIDENT. nothing can bring u down.

Best wishes.
Hope Pass,
dont bother emailing Dr.Satyajit, he will send u a website which has a course for 5000$. it is all marketing strategy.
Some people never quit, they will even sell things to the dead.

dont bother about that.ok.
You be confident & with hardwork, nothing is impossible.
hi Hope,understandably your under pressure,but i believe failure gives us opportunities to grow.keep the faith,learn from your mistakes.Nothing and nobody is infallaible.Most importantly continue to study,as once you come to terms with this episode you may have lost vital prep time!
thank u all,
i think it has its owen effect but i will try to move on.