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Hi all ....
I just finished my exam yesterday...... still I dont believe it......
I have started my preparation in May ( 8-10 hours / day) and from august ( 6-7 hours/ day) as I am also doing MPH and last two weeks (10 hours/day).
I used kaplan for all subjects except for pathology fow which i used Goljans.
In last two weeks I reviewed 100 pages and FA. It really helps me to revise most important topics.
Now about my exam. I think patho, pharmac and micro covers 65% of my exam.


p53: inhibit Rb phospohrylation
MS murmur,
androgen insensitivity symdrome,
4-5 blood questions ( CLL, Iron deficiency anemia, vWD,)
Treatment of Aplastic anemia,
8-10 immunology questions
which cell is responsible for positive PPD,
which cell release histamine,
MOA of vincristine, 5FU,
drug to maintain patency of ductus arteriosus,
8 - 10 experimental questins usually confused between 2 options,
drug in HT with prostatic hyperplasia,
loss of skin elasticity in elderly,
BZD and flumazenil graph (Actin of X drug decreased by flumazenil identify drug X),
Contraindication of lung transplantation(optins are Severe depression, Continued smoking, Obsessive Compulsive disorder),
Treatment of recurrent ulcer, H.Pylori,
MOA of C.botulism food poisoning,
Why less amount of salmonella is required to produce gastroenteritis( I choose acholrhydria ),
Know vitamins very well especially B12, folic acid, A , D K
3-4 questin on OC pills,
inhibin - they will show u a diagram and will ask where is inhibin,
2-3 questions on diuretics,
radial nerve injury ( X-ray with # mid shaft humerus)
Compartment sundrome ( Median nerve compression)
Hemiballimus : contralateral subtlalamic nuclei
treatment of absence seizures,

I think atleast 40 of my question shave diagrams ( Xrays, CT, MRI. Electron microscopy). In some question they will give clue but in some u have to just identify the structure and will ask question related to it.

Will try to post more questions when i remember.
Also let me know if u need any help.
Best of luck to all ot u.

Dear surgeon1982

Thank you very much for sharing your experience

Wish you 99

We would be grateful if you could post the questions you could remember

God Bless
wish you the best ,and thanks for your kind honest information,we are wating for more after your rest.again.thankssssssssssssssssssss
Good luck for ur score and thanks for posting exam experience...Would you mind please sahring how actual exam refelct like it is similar to UW or other Q bank.
hey thanks a lot may God shower u with success ,, i wanted to ask that i am doing 2003 kaplan books i dont have the latest but i have heard that immunology is not enough shall i use high yield immunology or is kaplan enuff

please let me know
Thank you all for ur wishes.
Some more questions:

treatment of pseudomonas ( I choose ticarcillin + tazobactam but i m no sure)
MOA of 5 fluoro uracil
S. pneunomiae ( optochin sensitive)
Type 1 and type 2 muscle fibre ( name of 5-6 muscles which one is Type 1 Pectoralis major,latissmus dorsi, paraspinalis, splenius cpaitus I just choose randomly)
IL which cause fever ( IL-1)
Picture of monocyte: i choose precursor of tissue macrophage
Edema of right side of face and right arm which vein obstruction
ash leaf patch : tuberous sclerosis
HMP shunt : i chose reduced product of NADP+
Treatment of aplastic anemia ( picture of hypocellular bonemarrow)
Pompes disease cardiomegaly which enzyme
Anaerobic glycolysis ( pyruvate to lactate)
Difference between RNA polymerase and peptidyl transferase very wierd choices i dont remember
smear of CLL exacly that of web path.
Macune Albright syndrome ( women has disease what are the chances in offspring )
Pressure difference between right and left arm,
Night terror ( Will not able to recall the event after awaking),
Characteristics feature of autism ( I choose communication impairment. There is also MR but i dont know what is the answer),
anti social personality disorder,
Borderline personality,
Mechanism of resistance of Ampicillin ( Penicillinase ),
Picture of nephron where Potassium sparing diuretic will act.

I think exam is very similar to UW but it is lot more tough than actual exam.
I have few question and figures exactly from UW.

Let me know if u have any more questions.
Thansk again for ur wishes.
To numita,
I dont know about 2003 kaplan I have used 2005 notes and I think Immunology is more than enough from kaplan.
goodluck surgeon wish u a great score
Dear surgeon1982

Could you please tell me the Q on loss of skin elasticity in elderly

Is it related to this table-

Many Thanks
thank you for posting your experience. Your info is so valuable. My exam is in one month.
god bless
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