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a child born with out limbs is found to have a mutation in the recptor for a fibroblast growth factor. the absence of limb most like ly resulte dfrom th disruption of the process controlling which of the following

2) differsntiation
3) proliferation
4) epithelial mesenchymal conversion
FGF---In wound healing and in tumor cells helps in angiogenesis
in embryonic stem cells helps to maintain cells in undifferentiated state
so the answer is 2
yes 2
why not apoptosis????????????????
i ll go for proliferation
fgf will coz proliferation
i will go for 3 ...
i thinck 3 is true
1 is false because apoptosis made fingers
2 is false because the baby was well diferntiated and no more morbidity accompanied with limb abcence
4 is false because it has so many differnt jobs that leads to another malformation