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If anyone can advise me I would be grateful.

I am late for the match this year so I am going to try and scramble into a position. My question is -- I would like to apply to different programs with #1 - OB/GYN, #2 - IM, #3 - FP

Right now I am sending in all my info into ecfmg/eras. My question is with regards to the personal statement? Can we write different ones for different programs? Or should I write one general one?

Meaning should I (can I) write three statements - one for OB, one for FM, one for IM OR is it better to write just one general personal statement?

Thanks in advance for all your help!
write 1 for each specialty u r careful of not copying parts of the personal statement from anywhere (just a word of caution, so that u mite not land up in a problem)..
it is really important that you right specific personal statements for each speciality- because no PD wants residents who are not exited about the field they chose to do
this i was told is important because they want to see it, when you faxing them