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Full Version: differentiate these 2 - zosima
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bacillary angiomatosis Vs kaposis sarcoma [ both can be seen in HIV pt ]
bacillary angiomatosis is benign capillary proliferation whereas kaposi's is malignant endothelial cell origin.Both are seen in AIDS but BA is benign whereas Kaposis is malignant.BA is treated with TMP-SMX whereas Kaposis is treated with chemotherapy and alpha interferon
bacillary agiomatosis is because of bartonella henslae

kaposi is because of hhv8
how to differentaite the two by physical exam ?
zosima you cannot differentiate on clinical exam.u have to confirm by culture or biopsy.
believe me u can !
BA is red papule, Kaposi is not red, something like that, not sure.
BA its a red nodule-> red plaque

Kaposi is a purplish color plaque
BA has associated systemic features like fever,malaise,etc..
KS doesnt have these.this is what is given in UW
but given that a person with HIV has some of these symptoms all the time , it wuld be erally hard to diff between the two just on physical findings.