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Most Commonly Reported Violations

The violations most commonly reported to the NRMP are:

1. After the Match, an applicant who matched to a program does not accept the matched position. The Match Participation Agreement states that the listing of a program on the applicant's certified rank order list and the listing of an applicant on a program's rank order list establishes a binding commitment to accept/offer an appointment if a match results. Failure to honor that commitment is a material breach of the Agreement.

2. The director of a program that participates in the NRMP Main Match offers a written or verbal contract before Match Day to a senior from a U.S. allopathic medical school. The Match Participation Agreement requires an institution that registers programs in the Main Match to select U.S. seniors from allopathic medical schools only through the Main Match for all of its programs (i.e., including those programs that are not registered in the Main Match), unless the program participates in another national matching service.

3. A program director asks an applicant how he/she intends to rank the program, and states that the program will rank the applicant only if the applicant agrees to rank the program first on the applicant's rank order list. Although the Match Participation Agreement does not prohibit either an applicant or a program from volunteering how one plans to rank the other, it is a violation of the Match Participation Agreement to request such information.

4. A medical school official from an allopathic school withdraws a U.S. senior who wishes to accept a position outside the Match. U.S. allopathic seniors may be withdrawn only for specific reasons, which are listed on the My Students and Graduates screen accessible by medical school officials through the Match Site at

5. A medical school official informs a previous graduate of his/her match results prior to official release by the NRMP at 1:00 pm eastern time on Thursday of Match Week. Match outcome information accessed by medical schools through the Match Site is confidential. Medical schools must safeguard this information in accordance with the Schedule of Dates set forth by the NRMP.

6. An unmatched applicant contacts programs about unfilled positions prior to 12:00 noon eastern time on Tuesday of Match Week. It is a material breach of the Match Participation Agreement for unmatched applicants and programs to contact each other about unfilled positions prior to 12:00 noon eastern time on Tuesday of Match Week. In addition, it is material breach of the Match Participation Agreement for matched applicants and programs to contact each other about match results prior to the general announcement of Matching Program results at 1:00 pm eastern time on Thursday of Match Week.

For completed investigations confirming a material violation of a Participation Agreement by an individual applicant:

(a) The Final Report will be delivered to:

(1) the applicant's medical school official, with a request that the report be placed in the applicant's permanent file
(2) the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates if the applicant is a student/graduate of a foreign medical school
(3) the NRMP institutional officials and directors of the programs included in the applicant's final rank order list in the current matching year
(4) the NRMP institutional official and the program director of the program to which the applicant switched (if known)
(5) the party who originally reported the violation
(6) the NRMP Executive Committee
(7) the American Board of Medical Specialties
(8) the applicant's residency program director if the violation occurred in a fellowship match
(9) the Federation of State Medical Boards if the applicant is to be permanently identified as a match violator or has been permanently barred from future NRMP matches
(10) any parties whom the NRMP has determined are relevant to its investigation.
(b) The applicant may be barred from subsequent NRMP matches and/or identified as a match violator to participating programs for a period of up to three years or permanently, as determined by the NRMP. Violations committed prior to Match Day may result in the applicant being withdrawn from the match.

© If the applicant was denied a waiver of his/her match commitment by the NRMP and did not accept the matched position, or if the applicant was the subject of an investigation in which a violation was confirmed, he/she may be barred from accepting a position in another NRMP match-participating program that has a start date within one year from the date of the NRMP's denial of the waiver or the date of the Final Report. If any NRMP match-participating program offers a position to that applicant to commence training during the one-year period or if the applicant accepts such a position, the NRMP will initiate an investigation to determine whether the applicant or the program has violated the terms of the Participation Agreement.

(d) The decision conveyed in the Final Report will be reflected permanently in the Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) System Applicant Match History. Term limits of any sanction(s) imposed for the violation will be included to identify the length of time the action is in effect.

According to the NRMP rules, we are not supposed to rank the programs, if we are sure that we don't want to get training there.