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Full Version: list of 20 IMPORTANT Drugs which Trevor gave ? - samdoc
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Does anyone have the list of 20 IMPORTANT drugs to study, which Trevor gave in the KAPLAN DVD Lectutes ?
My Friend is giving her exam in 10 daya and needs it quick
Please, if anyone remembers or is going through the DVD lectures right now,
could you PLESASE post that list
Thanks in advance!!!!
Please ,someone must have heard the Pharmacology KAPLAN DVD lectures and remembers them?
Please Help!
i don't hav ethat DVD but I will try to elabotrate in afew what I know or what I remeber or I will look some polace ok
Oh, Thankyou so much, i will be waiting for your reply!
Anyone? Anyone who remembers this?
Anyone who is following the Kaplan DVD Pharmacology right now,
could you post this please!!
look sam he said top 10 not top 20 but he mentioned 7 which is 1-Aspirin 2-warfarin 3-quinidine 4-Guanethidine 5-Phenyttoin 6-Chloramphinicol 7-methotrexate
Here is something from me and I will send you more..sorry for late reply..but I am like a "chicken with out head " now...

1. Muscarinic “ATROPINE versus Nicotinic Blockers “Tubocurare, hexamethonium
Other Muscarinic blockers besides
1. Tertiery structure
¢ atropine ,
¢ Scoploamine (motion sickness ),
¢ benztropine (to reverse the EPS caused by antipsychotic medications)

2. Quaternary structure
¢ Ipatropium

PRALIDOXAMINE (a chemical OP antagonist )

Molecule with very high affinity for phosphorus atom in insecticides. Bind to AChE active site next to the insecticide, then combines with the P atom to break the P=enzyme bond. Free enzyme is regenerated and pralidoxamine-organophoshate complex is freed for excretion


1. (Mode ) “direct vs indirect
2. (Spectrum ) , œpure œ or œnot pure œ

Direct “Norepinephrine
Indirect “Amphetamine

œPure “Alfa “Phenylephrine
œPure œ“Beta-Isoprotrenonlol

Not œpure œ “Norepinephrine, Epinephrine,

1. Nonselective
¢ Phentolamine
¢ Phenoxybenzamine (highly reactive chemical that bind to receptor )
3. Selective

¢ Prazocin (Alfa -1 selective)
¢ Yohimbine (Alfa -2 selective )
Drugs beginning with A trough M are usually b1 selective except carteolol and labetalol
2. Partial agonists vs full antagonist (ISA “intrinsic sympathomimetic activity )
3. High vs low lipid solubility :much vs little effect on CNS effects ( propranolol vs atenolol)
4. Local anesthetic membrane effect (MSA “membrane stabilizing activity, propranolol vs timolol )
5. Duration of action (esmolol 15 min., propranolol 6-8 h , nadolol 24 h )
6. Drugs with combined alfa and beta blocking action (labetalol , carvedilol)

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