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Full Version: anxious patient - shad
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how do you reassure the anxious pt?
First of all, say ' Mr. Shad you look very anxious today?' Wait for a second, letting the patient reply, then if he doesnt answer say 'Is there anything in particular thats troubling you?' and when he responds, answer his concerns or fear.

If he looks anxious before the PE, Reassure him ' Mr Shad, I know you are in a lot of pain, Ill try to be as gentle as possible and I shall explain each step as I go, please let me know immediately if I cause you any discomfort'
thanks zidovudine
i agree with Zido
or you seems litlle anxious today ?
and then
'Is there anything in particular thats troubling you?' and when he responds, answer his concerns or fear.
show empathy..
I undrstund your fera or concern, but I would like to let you know that w eare here to help you ..You are not alone....You are in the rigth place...We have in excellant stuff of expert that will help you true this diffucult time s..I sthat OK with you ???
Ye sthanks

thanks jovana