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Full Version: An interesting post from another website. - svcmc
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Hi, saw a post from another bbs. Any opinion?

Before commenting, remember this is a free speech country and open mind discussion is very helpful.

Posted by pp from IP ***.***.**.*** on February 12, 2007 at 11:47:22:


Thousands of doctors from around the world who are not from EU have lost their seven-month-old legal challenge to the British government to force it to treat non-European Union medics in the UK "on a par and equally" with Europeans.

The net result is that at least 15,000 Indian doctors currently training in the UK may be forced to leave the country with their career paths thrown into confusion.

The British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO), which was the lead appellant in the case, told TOI just minutes after a verdict they described as "disappointing" that they were considering a legal appeal.



Don't use "Thousands of doctors from around the world ". Only a handful of countries like India, philipine and Nigeria.

People from majority of countries in the world don't go to UK. So, it is only your sad story. Not everyone's.

Why this happened?

You adopt UK lauguage and its system. You go to the country, which colonized your country in the past, for better life.

You speak English as official lauguage at your home and don't use your own lauguage. You think you have advantage ... ...

then you are suffering now.

You don't sit down and think why this happens and turn your head to the US. US may be good now. But it is still not your country. Who knows if you would suffer in the future or not ... ...

No own pride. Only want a better life and not think to serve your own people.

It is shame.

The shallowness of your comments is evident from the number of replies to your post!!!