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Full Version: A question about diagnostic work up - starbucks75
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Hello CS guys,
If you take a look to FA, it mentions 7-8 work up sometimes, as you know in real exam we have to write only 5 (most important-starting from simpler to more sophisticated)...But in a case of suspected colon ca, they've written 6-CT abd 7-Colonoscopy......dont we have to put these tests up (4 &5 ) specially if hx and PE suggest colon ca. ???........or do we have to just write the first 5 that's mentioned in FA and neglect 6,7..etc I appreciate your inputs.

colonscopy , and CT abdomen should be among the first tests to do in colon cancer case, u don't need to memorize it...just use your judgement to figure out what is more important than others, and u will do fine in the test.
good luck