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Full Version: First aid, Crush the board, and Boards and wards - triplehelix
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Just wanted to share my experiences with you guys. I read many different comments on these three books in this forum.
When I finished UW Q-bank for the first time 2 weeks ago, I found that I made at least 4-5 mistakes in each block that I NEVER should. I found that I corrected most of the questions that require clear knowledge of mechanisms (how), but I made mistakes in questions that require knowledge of "What" and some "why". My cumulative score was 66% in UW, if corrected those "What" type 4-5 questions in each block, the score must shoot high.
I made a plan. I decided that I should not go for all those uncommon things now, I should know these solid point questions, which require plain "memorization", unfortunately that is the "weakest" area for me, I can not memorize anything !! So, I decided to read some "review books". I read thae kaplan notes once only.

I started with "Boards and Wards". I bough the latest edition (Third edition, 2007). I just read the book once, liked the book very much. I like this kind of book, lot of info in short paragraph, lot of things that kaplan did not touch at all, but UW asked those questions. I like the book.

Then bought the latest edition of "Crush the board, USMLE step 2", 2007 edition. This is also a nice book, this book compiled all the notes that I needed, but not everything that was in Boards and wards, but I liked this book too, pretty systematic approach, but too concise.

Then I decided to read First aid. This is also good book. I know many people told that this FA is not as good as FA for step 1, that may be true, but what I liked that by reading FA for step 2, I got the opportunity for quick review of important step 1 "memorization" material which are also important for step 2. Moreover, I found that this book covers more topics than "Crush the board", as an example, see dermatology section. I liked CVS of Boards and Wards, for example.

Now how to rate these books. I read all three, and I want to revise all three books again before my exam (only 6 weeks left, and I am a post-doc, full-time work).

I should put in this way:
#1. First aid
#2. Boards and Wards
#3. Crush the board.

Folks, my rating is based on how I likes the books in terms of contents, not in terms of exam, because I did not take the exam yet, so do not know which book will be more helpful for the exam. Of course, I will let you know which book was more helpful after I take the exam. By the way, my goal is NOT 99 percentile !

Good luck