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Full Version: 34 yrs male - abhijeetnakave
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came with history of accidently stepping over rusted nail. He now complain of fever redness of the foot and 1 inch depth wound with pain over the calcaneum, diagnosis was confrmed with bone scan as osteomylitis, what organism is responsible for his condition?

a.A b hemolytic streptococci tetini
c. staph epidermidis
d. staph aureus
e. candia
f. E.coli
G. Psudomonas
h. MTB
i. klebsiella
d. staph aureus
G. Psudomonas
it is the most common organism with osteomyelitis in adults..while stap aureus is most common in children...(UW Qbank,2007,IM)
I think it is most common cause of Osteo of penetrating wounds

S. aureus is still the MC in all age ranges
most common cause of OM in any age is staph aureus
but most common cause of inf wth rusty nail is pseudomonas
agree, pseudomonas, especially if penetrates through sneakers.
yes rubber soles and nails think pseudomonas