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dvt prophylaxis for unambulatory knee surgery

My questions is are LMWH Contraindicated in Pts who will be going for Surgery but need DVT prophylasix in orthopedic type of surgeries ?

Also if CI then is Compression Boots the better Option?
i dont think heparin shd be contraindicated in pts going for sx as long as one monitors the PTT... but not sure..
i know that anticoagulants are CI if pt has had a recent surgery, or in case of active bleeding or hemorrhagic stroke, so in this situation if you diagnosed him with DVT, place IVC filter instead of anticoagulation
no uterus I am not talking about pt having been dx w/ DVT but rather prevention of DVT in a Pt who will go for orthopedic surgery soon
ok, then you got to anticoagulate her/him in the absense of CI, will be a perioperative prophylaxis
I know orthop surgeons start LMWH-heparin immediately after surgery.
a pt of 16 or less allows surgery...kaplan..but isn't prophylax started post op?
i read somewhere that for orthopedic surgery, especially pelvic surgery, they prefer warfarin to heparin.
prophylaxis is given as deltaparin at least 12hrs before surgery and than at least 6 hrs after operation for DVT prophylaxis