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Full Version: June exam Takers!!! - neethu
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hi, how z the prep coming along?

I am going to finish my 1st UW read by end of this month.

then, will try to take NBME 1.

exam day 27th june.
Mine is june 28th, I am now listening to Goljan audios, and answering questiond from UW for a second time. My score is 65-70 average. not too good for me cause I am going through it a second time. I forget too fast so I have to read and read and read......
exam date 30th june.. my UW is ending a day after tomorrow. I don;t know whether to extend it or to subscribe to kaplan Q bank. Any suggestion?...worrieddoc
June 27 Chicago!
For Last month:
Goljan Audio
Goljan Path Book, HY
Revise Kaplan Q Bank and Second time UW
FirstAid Cases
Revise FirstAid notes (abt 10 times), UW/Kap/Rx q bank notes
hii ayurvedist,
i'll be taking my exam july 3rd . i live in milwaukee. want some motivation . wondering if we cld motivate each other . if interested plsss email me at rht826.
June 28th. UW 79% cumulative so far. I have about another 1000 questions to go and I feel like I can't study anymore. I haven't touched Anatomy, Behavioral and Neuroscience. God! If you are listening, HELP!!!
Exam day june 27 th Atlanta...I'm trying to finish UW by next cumulative score is low...57% ..last 10 blocks score 58-64% (tutor, mix ,unused) .I did subscribe to UW for another 1 month . I'm doing FA and analyse questions . My score on NBME form 3 was very I extended the exam( supose to be on june 8th )....With 2 weeks before exam I will take NBME form 1....if I will not improve my score what should I do? ... to show up in exam or not ?. I cannot extend any further. I dont want to show in my ECFMG transcript: failled. Do you think is better to dont show up? Please I need your advice.
Thank you.
clementina, I am in ATL and my exam date is 30th june. Do you wanna work with me?
If yes then try ctpsctps
Good luck to everybody.
My plan for next 4 wks wud be

1.UW complete 1 read and re do the incorrect ones...if possible the entire UW.

2.high yeild goljan notes 3.NBME 1,2. 4.kaplan q bank and revise wiht the notes.5. FA have done 1 will revise 2-3 times before exams.

i hope i can do this much and will be in good from to take my test .