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Full Version: ethics q 12 - kuttinguru
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11.A newborn is diagnosed with either trisomy 18 or 13 with TE (tracheoesophageal) fistula which requires suregery. Mother request surgeon to repair the TE-fistula. What should a surgeon do?
no need because i hink the baby will die eventually
repair has the right to make decision here.
goodluckall is right!
it should be repaired.......afterall everybody is goin to die oneday...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sure 4,u sounded philosophical but thats not the answer

Answer: surgeon should refuse to do the reparative surgery because these conditions (trisomy 18 or 13) are nonviable. If the patient survives, surgeon can put a gastrostomy feeding tube for nutrition. However, please remember that a patient with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) with TE fistula should be operated on.
ok kuttinguru.....