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Full Version: my detailed exam experience - bondjamesbond
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hi guys,i sleep well before the night and reach exactly in the time at the center,i was the sword of my hard work and with the shield of best wishes from the forum members,i start first block i was ahead of time but in last 10 questions i loose conecntration and i could hardly attempt last question.and after that i took a five minute break,i do perfectly well in the second block everything on the time,and a lot of stuff from cardiology in which i feel i am notoriou and face some lovely questions with some trap,
a question was with the symptoms of marfan syndrome and they were asking its mode of inheritance easy one autosomal dominant ,i confuse a little bit but i recall it in last,a questionwas on the cvp ,pcwp and its interaction and mvp and shock,a question was on hypertensive patient with left ventricular hypertrophy and best antihypertensive for this is a beta blocker,and a question with symmetrical joint sweeling of mcp and pcp first line of drug is brufen and acetaminofenwas given,i select brufen instead of methotrexate,chloroquine gold salta and acetaminofen because acetaminofen is not so effective in treating inflammatory joint disease,and a question on the kid with various infection he is 6 month old mother is hiv positive and titre of the baby is also hiv positive but there was a trap in this because hiv antibody can be present till 15 minths in kids og hiv positive mother and it was case of brutons aggama globunemia and it is x linked recessive disorder ,such type of stuff was going and then i again took the break i was saying to myself that this time i will revise some marked questions and i will give some thoughts to the dificult one,
continued in next post
after that in third block i got some questions on a case of mvp and i also got a case in which only significant finding was split heart sound means atrial septal defect,i was doing fine and in last i revise some marked some difficult stuff like developments in kids and three questions on that do it thoroughly they will definately ask you these questions after that some stuff on puerpeurium and a lot more stuff on stds some picture of condyloma lata and cocaine abuse patient and most significant risk of the placental abruption,i agin took a break of 5 mins
in 4 block i do well some pulmonary and preventive and some psychiatry question a lady was taking benzo continuosly and she got confused when she mis it in last two days and she is having hallucinations and agitation i answer its management as haloperidol but other benzos were also in tyhe choice this question was exactly similar to the usmle world,and guys iwas waiting for a question on herpes encephalitis in the exam and i got it in forth block and agin i took a break and i come for the
5 th block
and after that i move to the fifth block i was just ok and i got a question very wierd one i was very confused and after 3 minutes wastage i realised the it is question that in constrictive pericarditis pressure in the all chambers got raised and i reach to the answer and one very tough ecg i wa confused wether it is sinus tachy cardia or preature atrial beats,and after that 5 murmur questions and perform well on the stuff and in the end of block i just have to guess last question on a superficial look.

after that horrow show start in 6 th block i got the horrible questions and longest questions
most imp hint to every one is tha longest questions are the easiest questions friends so dont got panicked by the length of question it is more doable to apply your knowledge on the long questions and be cautious in short question in sixth block i found a large amount of endocrinology and question was what prophylaxis you will give when cd4 count is less then 450 i just marked isoniazid others were not appealing,a horrible question on pain on the left side thigh and a large stuff on hemilegiass and various lesions and what effect they will produce on physical findings and 7 to 10 questions were in the exam where i was feeling that these are normal findings is it possible to have questions having answer that it is a normal finding i was surprised
thank u man for sharing yr experince
GL in the score and the match
after taking a break of 5 mins in 7 th block i was determined that i will try to do it as early as possible and agin i got mixed stuff and my sharpness was fading and fatigue had take over on me and my attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity disorder starts and i got questions wrong on the stuff a clear cut case of autism and i was having confusion is it a pervasive disorder or a learning disability and go for pervasive and i got it wrong and i got some wrong answers on joint disorder and a lot more finall i miss 2 questions in ythe end
last block
the most horrible show and worst part of the exam during the rest i was thinking that i will do well in that block to compensate 7 th block i was fine in first 15 questions and then i loose my patienece becoz i was just having time less then 20 mins for last 23 question i as just going with my first thought and i got some toughest stuff on the managemaents of the disease and a lot more difficult stuff,lack of patience anxiety fatigue and the hell was noise in the last few moments in the exam center i just could gues in last 3 or 4 questions even completely understanding the question and i was not sure in last 12 qustion what i have done ,so in essence i was not able to attempt 15 to 20 questions with my potential dont know what will be the outcome,let us hope i just got equivalent scre of my nbmes

id dont know what type of experince it was ,

a good one or bad one.if anyone want to know anything about the preparation or the exam i will definately help every forum member
take care and atudy hard
hey life saver even i was not able to see dr max experience
hi friend hope i want to write you but due to some problem in the forum i am not able to find ur email address leave it here and i am having few special advices for you bye and take care
So its finally over. Well done. best of luck. i hope u get a great score. Iv a few questions to ask but ill ask later as im on job and iv to leave now. Good Luck.
you are welcome scalpel,write me as soon as possible becoz now i can remmber exact question and type of question only till few days
bondjamesbond>>hey man i need yr advice
have 3 weeks till the exam
15 % remianing of the UW,so far i am getting 66% cumulative
do u think i should go UW notes and kaplan notes then first aid
or just do kaplan nottes and uw notes,and do some of the UW questions again
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