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Full Version: anticipated life threatening problem in this patie - jovanavcs
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A previously healthy young adult is an unbelted front-seat passenger in an automobile accident. The patient is hypotensive in the prehospital arena. A liter of saline is infused in transit. In the department vital signs are BP 90/60 mmHg. RR 20/min. Temp 98.60F. Another liter of fluid is given in the ED. All but one of the following describe an anticipated life threatening problem in this patient :

A. Loss of airway protection.
B. Hypoventilation.
C. Excessive volume resuscitation.
D. Cardiac tamponade.
E. Uncontrolled hemorrhage.
B ?
B. is it?
what exactelly the question is asking with another words ??
which one does not present as a Life Threatening problem
so tell me why theb others will be life treatening ??
jova, this an OLD double negative question that stopped being asked back in the 80's.
However the point here is very interesting. All but one of the options WILL NOT happen in this patient.

A= This pt could lose its airway due to hemorrhage or what have you
C= He could go through shock and CHF due to too much fluid aid.
D=Could have hemorrhage in pericariudm and lead to Temponade and die.
E= Could die of too much uncontrolled bleeding.

B= But, he will not hypoventilate because he is not gettng enough oxygen and his RR is 20, high. If anything he will hyperventilate.

Right Dig?
thanks florida, but as far as I am aware of that medical school is still asking it and as you said the point is intresting, not the question and as you know back in 80's they didn't have an internet to search for an answer, w ask for something that can't be find in the internet rigth ??
yep, that what I was looking at, the RR

what's ur explanation darkhorse?
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