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Full Version: rh isoimmunization - drcupid
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hey guys can any body plz clear my doubt abt what abo incompetibility got to do with rh stuff.and also abt mothers sensitivity n antibody titre of less than n more than 1;6
ABO Incompatibility may actually be of benefit to mom, b/c if mom has antibodies already made against Fetal blood type they may neutralize fetal rh blood in mom circulation before moms immune ssytem is stimulated

if the titer is low, u can give RhoGam but if titer is high that giving rhogam would be pointless

The Only thing I would like to know is what happens to current fetus or future preganancy if RhoGam was given in a Mom who's immune system has already made a high titer of antibodies against rh Fetal Blood Cells.????