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Full Version: Neuro ? - belkin
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A 56-year-old man, who is a heavy smoker with untreated hypertension, suddenly develops diplopia and right hemiplegia. Neurologic examination reveals a wide left pupil, unresponsive to light. The left eye is deviated downward and outward. He has a weak right arm and leg, right hyperreflexia, and a right extensor plantar response. You conclude that the patient had a stroke in the:

A. right basilar pons.
B. right internal capsule.
C. right precentral gyrus.
D. right ventromedial medulla oblongata.
E. right ventromedial midbrain

Option E (right ventromedial midbrain) is correct. A lesion in the midbrain causes an upper motor lesion that affects the left side of the body and an ipsilateral peripheral CN III lesion. This syndrome is called Weberâ„¢s syndrome
ya rt thnx belkin
Weber Sx: Nerve III (with PANS ???) + Tracks (down: contralateral corticobulbar VII central palsy; corticospinal...)