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hi my xam is this sat.cud someone plz tell me how imp is the cardio chapter other than CAD.i just cant get the arrythmias into my head.plz help.i am totally freaking out.
valvular heart disease, heart failure, pericarditis, prevention of CAD are important. arrythmia as you say very boring to study but try to review them from FA (you can also review the above from FA) if you have time left.

and not to forget cong heart disease for the ped cardio ( again well summarised in FA).

cardio is boring and hard for everybody so do not bother yoursel just make a quick review from FA.
Hi Sbdoc ,,Goodluck ,,
U will b fine dont worry my prayers wid ya Wink
arrythmias learn the do's and the don'ts in terms of medications and make sure you can detect side effects of the medications also

thank u allfor the help.i will try to do that.hey mariam to u too for cs and ck!
hey sbdoc my cs score fgona upgated wed nigth really worried cant study for ck..
5.HOCM,Dilateted and Restrictive Cardiomyopaties
7.Recognize normal sinus rhytm on EKG, bradycrdia rhytm,A-Fib,V-T,V-fib an dtheir menagment , when to shock them and when not...what drugs to giv eto save alife...
8.Shock -hypovolemic, crdaiogenic/non-cardiogenic with teh erespect of the CVP/PCWP
so ..GL