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Full Version: are the DVDs absolutely necessary for prep? - sherryaz
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hi everyone...i'v jus ordered for my step 1 material...just notes. Can someone pls tel me if the DVDs r an absolute necessity for the preparation? or can i do without them?And can anyone gimme tips as to where i can start absolutely blank....jus completed my residency in march n have been on a break from my books for almost 6 months now...thanx...cheers..
I think they are good in creating a classroom type atmosphere...
contact me in MSN - if you have questions - usmle_1
I think they are just waste of time except physiology.
I agree with rehellohie, at least go through physiology. I think anatomy is also very good. pharm is boring, however, when I think back, most high-yeild stuff is in the lecture. Don't you ever, ever go through patho. Total wast of time. Biochem also helped me a lot.
the guy of patho is so funny, if you watch it , just like to make a show, do you agree?
thank u, everyone for the info.iv got the goljan notes...seems pretty good to me...does anyone hav any negative comments on goljan notes?
it depends whether you are watching the 2005 or 2007 dvds..
people tend to say that the physio guy in the 2005 dvds..the guy with that irritating voice.. is great .. well i do beg to differ.. he simply reads the lecture notes twice and slowly.. and once in a while adds some info..

all i can say is that i dont bother with the 2005 anymore since i got my hands in the 2007 dvds.. most lectures are reallyinteresting.. except that patho guy.. but hey.. i should give him credit for putting the effort to make a show..

now is it NECESSARY..... well i guess that one could do without them...but they sure add something more to your prep..and it is a good mood-changer when you are tired of reading those pages..

goljan notes are fine too.. some ppl love them.. some ppl hate them....
I have 2005 DVDs & I have just finished my 1st reading. To me, most videos were great although I had to spend alot of time watching them:
Physiology: Good enough to watch, good concepts, although sometimes slow
Biochem: Excellent lecturer, despite you may feel he is slow, sleepy & boring sometimes but he demystifies alot of vague things
Histology: it's a waste of time to watch the videos (not a great waste as it's all 2 & 1/2 hours but useless at all)
Embryology, gross anatomy & Neuroanatomy: a very good investment of your time to watch them
Pathology: don't know what to say, the lecturer tries to look like a genius while he is a jerk, reading from the book word by word with very bad spelling sometimes. I used to think of him as someone who is expecting a girl to ask him for a date when he smiles like a movie star.
Microbiology & immunology: the worst lecturer, can't follow him, better read micro alone from HY which is my favorite (or Kaplan if u like it) & immuno from Kaplan
Pharmacology: I enjoyed watching them although I found many people saying they didnt like him
Behavioral Science: the real genius, don't miss them

Hope u find my review useful in ur study
thank u bpoichane...i havent got the DVDs yet..i thot il try to manage with the kaplan notes n goljan lectures on audio....thankz to a few ppl on forum.there were links to goljan notes....really helps...
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