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Full Version: A 34-year-old - malak
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A 34-year-old woman with documented bipolar disorder comes to the hospital because of feelings of guilt and worthlessness. She has amassed thousands of dollars of credit card debt in the past 2 months. Her parents are going to pay it off for her, but she believes that this will bankrupt them. On further questioning, she reveals that she bought a gun earlier in the day because it would be easier for everyone if she "wasn't here anymore." She plans to go to the roof of her building, with her new purchase, "and do what needs to be done." Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
A. Send home with lithium
B. Send home with valproic acid
C. Send home with carbamazepine
D. Observe in the emergency department
E. Admit to the hospital
E. Admit to the hospital