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Full Version: I'm a newbie:) - drcincin81
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Hi everyone!
I stumbled on this site sometime in June and had probs activating my acct,but here I am!
I took the Step 2 times,once in Nov 06 and got a 146( I deserved it,barely was prepared) and just took it July 27(got my score,184)
I was upset for about 2 days bc of the sheer irony of it,but I also gave myself credit for jumping 40+ points.
I am a hopeless optimist so I gave myself a little time to mourn,lol,now I am back at it.
My plan is to read Gojan path rapid review,go through UW questions again,listen to Goljan audio.
My weakest topic was physio and I am not sure how to tackle it.
Well that is my introduction..wishing everyone the best and offering my 110% support Smile
(I just moved to chicago in march also and love it here)
Also can someone tell me what these 'teams'are?
I am planning on redoing it in can I be part of Nov team?Or am i totally off? Smile
welcome to the club!!
This time u will pass
Hi, Try to understand Kaplan physio well, listen to the dvd too. Also listen to pass programme physio dvd. U will surely pass this time. Did u do any of d NBME's, what were ur scores?
Thanks for the welcoming! Smile
Thank you for the advice,I did all 4 NBMEs. on form 1,i got an equiv of 195,form 2 equiv of 191, 3 and 4 i got below 185 (like 178ish)
so it was quite a toss up,but i figured i 'may have been ready'...guess not
As for Kaplan videos,i have the older ones the prof is...................................hmm
I also had him in live lectures (dear me..)
I think I will give the Pass ones a go,have not looked at them,but was told they are system based rather than subject based.
Hi, Aim for 600 in NBME 3 and 4 b4 ur next exam.
All the best.
U r very inspiring dear drcincin Smile
your plan seems good as well,but if u dont mind ,can i ask u?ur 1st time 'didnt make it' is understood u did not have enuf time but on second u had good months then what was u lacking..sorry to ask u but i think u r good to motivate and advice,as we learn from our mistakes...
i really wish u pass this time and u will...welcome here!
Thank you Smile
My first time,I had time,but felt pressure from mom 'Just take it,you'll be fine'. It was my fauly bc I was so foolish to listen,I was in no way even near ready.
I was in the UK at the time,had personal conflict(broke off engagement weeks prior to wedding) so I had to pack up and come home to US...I took Kaplan Live Lec in March and did self study. I really really hit the books in mid May and sat the exam July 27.
For the 2nd time,I had 2 five sub notebooks and I copied HY stuff only from Kaplan,FA,Goljan,Robbins,Recall( I did that for genetics,micro,immuno,path,and pharm)
Biochem i was always OK with so i skimmed Kaplan(which is waaaay more than enough)I was always weak in Molecular so I watched a few of the videos in regard to the high yield stuff.I also did as many ?s as possible. I did all NBMEs,UW 1.5x,kaplan assessmnt exams,old test questions...
during the last mnth,id start my morn off with a blk and do 1-2 moree blks depending on how much i covered.My blocks were always mixed
I also listened to Goljan audio 1x(i am going to listen to him more than once this time around)right now i have all the material,i am just lacking motivation...i havnt been in the mood to get back into the groove so i need to force myself or find somethin to motivate me!
hope that answered any questions u may have had!
Dude! its always hard to put urself together and uve already done tht so u are done with the first step. im also planning for nov and this isnt my first time either.

"right now i have all the material,i am just lacking motivation...i havnt been in the mood to get back into the groove so i need to force myself or find somethin to motivate me!" this is it...u said my feelings/words...

def. will hit goljan hard this time and make sure review it n review it. keep in touch with how things move along with u and ill keep u updated too...

and for everyone who are doing there exam for the first time...path/pathophysio is the biggest deal so make sure u guys are thorough with goljan lectures/audios more then once...there were Qs tht were straight from papi...and i was lacking tht last sure students who have done marvelous in their exam agrees with it.

cincin, u mentioned about physio...wut ive learned from my prev. exp and i was alrite in physio ...kaplan physio is more then enough and add videos where u think u r getting stuck with concepts...videos are pretty good + readng will do good reinforcement. and u know theres not much direct physio in exam except some graphs n calc. so see if u can add videos with ur reading...

and cincin this forum has boosted me alot...even though im not very active here but i do get my daily dose of courage/inspiration from here.

GL everyone!
Thanks lumbar=)
This forum is a godsend,it really helps having such solid support. I'm pretty much on my own here in Chi and it gets lonely/daunting to keep myself going. I was never good with the group study thing,everyone was either all over the place or wanted to be taught,but sitting by someone who was studying hardcore always motivated me.maybe someone out there wants to do that?lol
And i 100000% agree with lumbar..pathophys was the BULK of both my exams...pharm coming in at a close 2nd(but very straight fwd ?s)
Funny,on m 2nd attempt,4th block,i had 14 ethics qustions back to back,and i knew 12 for sure,so it was such an ego boost. hope i get lucky again,lol