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Full Version: I need help - sara123
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Anyone can plz guide me how to schedule i have exam in the end of sep,just left with 25 days.
My UW score is 55% just did 50% qs yet.
did kaplan q book and banks.
Will do NBME next week,not feeling to do it now as i want to revise Pharma,Micro etc charts before taking that.
Plz help me wats the good way to schedule last 20 i need to complete UW or its more important to revise subjects along with qs.

I will really appreciate ur help.
I found through my experience that the last month is key to integrate all the subjects.
For micro with pharm,genetics with biochem,path with physio...
Personally...I had a specific order
I'd tackle system based..for instance,I'd start with cardio
I'd do the embryo(may as well know how it all started),then the anat,path, on
everyone has their own method but I'm a firm believer in integration
hope that helps

I really appreciate it,its good way but can u or anyone tell me wat abt qs? i mean last days are good to practice qs or study material.

yes,you are very right. I was a total 'question whore' (LOL) the last mnth and a half. Id start m mornings off with 50q block my goljan or whatever and anothr one blk(sometimes 2 more blks on my up days)