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Full Version: The fact that the Km of aminotransferases - okt3
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for amino acids is much higher than that of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases means that:

A)at low amino acid concentrations, protein synthesis will take precedence over amino acid catabolism.

B)the liver cannot accumulate amino acids.

C)amino acids will undergo transamination as rapidly as they are delivered to the liver.

D)any amino acids in excess of immediate needs for energy must be converted to protein.

E)amino acids can be catabolized only if they are present in the diet.
YES nj_man

A) A high Km means that a reaction will proceed slowly at low concentration, whereas a low Km means the reaction can be rapid under the same circumstances. Protein synthesis requires only that all amino acids be present. Unless amino acids are in high enough concentration, the liver does not catabolize them.