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Full Version: Do scores only come on wednesday?? - drfmemon
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Someone told me so. How many days does it take? What time do they email it? In the middle of the night??
i got my score on thursday morning....exam date 20th Sept...oasis updated 11th oct
Thank You!!! At least somone had the decency to reply. Any idea on what time they email it?
well they are normally updated on wed, unless there is CS reporting date (which was this case) or a holiday or a combination, in which case they normally report on thursday. If that is the case, then sometimes people who took their test 20 days ago (the least waiting time is normally 21 days or 3 complete wednesdays) will also get their score. Example if you take your test today (friday) you will have to wait 3 complete wednesdays for your score to be reported...which equals almost 26 days for the report.

The email usually arrives between 10am and 3pm EST and you have to give about 5 min between the reception of the email and opening the pdf file (if you do it immediately you only get a blank page)

BTW you might not have gotten many responses because most of the people hare HAVEN'T taken the test, and thus have NO CERTAINTY of the answer. And those of us who HAVE TAKEN IT normally come on wed/thurs to see how our friends did on theirs! So no need to be rude, better to be patient!
Who's being rude??? My question was posted for anybody to answer if they knew when results come- whether they've given the test or not. If you want to do residency here you better leave your sensitivity behind cause people here can be what you describe as "rude."
well just read yourself "At least somebody has the decency to reply" if that is not rude I don't know what is. Sassed step1/CS on first attempt, will give you a piece of advice: Kindness is more important here (go to CS and you;ll find the meaning of the word EMPATHY, will find out that you need to smile, be nice, be careful with your words.... I've done observership and have been assured I'm not the one who has to change attitude man. Better improve on personal skills or you'll suffer....
Seek psychiatric hel.
i meant seek psychiatric help.