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1)screen: lady 62y/o, normal pap&cholesterol, heart and lungs for years, what to scren for? (mamography)

2)lady menopause, no HRT, back pain, screen for osteoporosis with DEXA/CT/MRI

3)lady menopause, nio HRT, DEXA/ pet scan/ bone scan

4) man, 32, fam history of CAD, what to screen for?-cholesterol

5) female, 32, fam hist of colon cancer, when to start screening: colonoscopy now/at 40/at 50or sygmoidoscopy at 50
1)screen: lady 62y/o, normal pap&cholesterol, heart and lungs for years, what to scren for? (mamography) -- mamo

2)lady menopause, no HRT, back pain, screen for osteoporosis with DEXA/CT/MRI -- dexa is the screening test

3)lady menopause, nio HRT, DEXA/ pet scan/ bone scan - Bone Scan?

4) man, 32, fam history of CAD, what to screen for?-cholesterol (agree , normall screening start at 35 in men, 45 in women unless Hx of Obesity, CAD start earlier...)

5) female, 32, fam hist of colon cancer, when to start screening: colonoscopy now/at 40/at 50or sygmoidoscopy at 50 -- need to know age and if 1st degress relative, --start at clonoscopy at 40
5. If its not first degree relative........We start screen at age 50 right

So do we start with sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy

Q: Whats next best step?

Q: Whats most accurate test ?
1). BP, Pap every 3 years, Mamo per year, digits per year
2). DEXA definitely
3). Bone scan? for osteoporisis, compression fracture...
4). Cholesterol
5). go for clonolscopy at 40.