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How do I counsel a Lesbian for safe sex???
I mean, for a homosexual male, i can mention condoms..
But for a lesbian, what?

Sorry for this stupid question. but had to ask.
Never counsel lesbian for safe sex..........
It is a normal behaviour as similar to a hetrosexual................

I too had a doubt but did not counselllllll
when i su r exam ?.............
if u have many doubts ..just send u r number to me ....i calling a person from this forum tonight after 10 so i can as well join u both in conference............i think u have my email............usmlestep2cs
Oh, thanks. I would not have realized the huge mistake i was making if i was on the counselling track.

My exam is within last 2 days of October.
I'm going to send you an email with my no. Please read it and respond when u have time.

i am having telephone discussion today after u r welcome to oin the conference...............
child crying and fussy:
what should we ask and counselling?
Safesex in Lesbian should be questioned by asking :

"Do you have any current sexual partner?

if yes.

Is she have any other partner?

if yes..

male or female?

Have you or your partner been tested or treated for any STD?"

oncall idiot

n Number of times a day
c consistence,color,content cramps
a associated syptoms fever runny nose rash cough ear dischage vomitting rash
L listless baby lethargic
Liquids not passing ?
diet changes ? dehydrtion signs day care ? developmental mile stones?
infections ? imunocompromised mom ?
ors counsellin
travel histroy

in couselling ors is must.......water 4 cups salt 1 tea spoon sugar 8 tea spoons