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Full Version: jovana's Q...pls explain answer. - jibbs
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15. Acantosis Nigrans (velvety hyperpigmented lesion around the neck and axilla ) with increased Lipid Panel -what test to order “ Serum Glucose

74. Tarner Amenorrhea-Karyotype Analysis

129. Wiskitt-Aldrich “MR TEXT Pnemeonic
I5 serum glucose in a young, Abd U/S for GI malignancy in an old pt

74 Turner's synd present with shortness,webbed neck amenorrhea, , no secondary sex xters or if present will be poorly developed,streak organs instead of ovaries so do gonadectomy.
Ist do karyotype for 45 XO ,Increased FSH due to lack of estrogen feedback to d pituitary n thypothal
Tx with estrogen n progesterone

129 eczema,thrombocytopenia with bleeding ,petechiae,infection with encapsulated orgs,low IgM,high IgA,high IgE
15. acanth nig commom in diabetics, stomach adenocarc, cushing synd, hyperthyroidism.
Thanks very much Lynna and Ximfoom

M .decresed ig M
R Recurrent infections
T T cell,B cell
E Eczema
X X linked recessive
T Thrombocytopenia

this is from kaplan lectures...
Lynna and ximfoom explain everything so well..