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Full Version: interesting q - darkhorse
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A 23-year-old male is in a bar fight. He only had two
beers and was just standing there minding his own
business when he was jumped by 3 other guys (yeah,
right!). He presents to you about 1 hour after the
event with facial trauma. His vitals are normal and he
is mentating well (with the exception of some
impaired judgment secondary to the alcohol). A blood
alcohol level shows that he is legally intoxicated with
a blood alcohol of 150 mg/dl. On exam you notice
that the patient has some epistaxis and a quite swollen
nose. Additionally, there is one avulsed tooth and one
tooth that is displaced.
The best way to transport an avulsed tooth is:
A) In sterile water.
B) In the buccal mucosa after thorough washing with
C) In a glass of milk.
D) Wrapped in saline-soaked gauze
I thought D, but then it is not interesting ?
i think D too...
C.. in a glass of cold milk Wink
The correct answer is C. The best way to transport an
avulsed tooth is either: 1) in a glass of milk or 2) in the
buccal mucosa or under the tongue in a patient in whom
risk of aspiration is not a concern. Answer A is incorrect
because sterile water is hypotonic and may damage the
tooth root, decreasing the success rate of reimplantation.
Answer B is incorrect because washing the tooth
with soap is not appropriate. Again, you want to maintain
the viability of the root if possible. Answer D is
incorrect as well. If this is the only option available to
you, it is better than nothing, but transporting in a glass
of milk or in the buccal mucosa is preferred
is it cold milk or milk shake with coffee frappe!! ( just kidding ) indeed its interesting

is it ? D.
INTERESTING !! Now I know why milk keeps our teeth strongSmile)
a reason to smileSmile)