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You call the dentist, who is (of course) out of town. A
dentist will not be available for at least 12 hours.
Your best course of action at this point is:

A) Continue to keep the tooth viable in a glass of milk.
B) Continue to keep the tooth viable in the buccal
C) Clean the tooth and keep it sterile and dry for reimplantation
in 12 hours, realizing that a bridge will
probably be needed to hold the tooth in position.
D) Reinsert the tooth into the socket yourself.
any takers before i post the answer
throw the tooth away
the technology is so advance that we don't care for a tooth anymore.
just kidding darkhorse, llol
lol triple helix sure we are just fantisizing too much abt that tooth in milk Tongue
are these q for the
USDLE ?? just food for thought ( kiddin)
The correct answer is D. If there is going to be any
delay in reimplantation by a dentist, the best course of
action is to reinsert the tooth into the socket yourself.
Answers A, B, and C are all incorrect because they will
reduce the rate of successful reimplantation.
I better start taking flouxetine... these Qs have been mother of all teaser QsTongue