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Full Version: to dear kob.. - drhope80
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hey kob..why are you are behaving like this..
i dont know what are you getting from all this but try to maintain the peace in the forum.if you dont like anything than its not always required to give on your comments,let the others discuss there problems with everyone.
You are no angel if someday you have some problem and evryone start making fun of you or in your very crtical sitution inspite gvng suggestion if someone crticize you and say this is good for you will you feel,man..
See kob you are one of us,you are doctor and above all you are a human..
And in our profession if you can not understand patients psychology you are not doing good,rather you are doing bad for your patient.Sometimes patient need a kindof mental suppoort and sympathy from his doctor,and i think you are lacking that.
ANd buddy try to respect your fellow docs..
i have no personal grudges...
God bless you buddy..Smile
u said it drhope80...he`s a human, and he`s trying to stop a wrong ..aparently that`s inhuman these days.

neways, chill kob, d`u think seriously think u`ll change anything round here? why sweat it man?
Totally agree with drhope80. Well said!!
thanks shangango..
i totally agree with you bergkamp and i partially agree with kob also,thats why i am not against him..
but this is life man.. try to understand others and in what position they are, and try to be flexible at times..this is all what i want to convey to him.
what`s the point of having rules if u are flexible wherever u want? lol...i ain`t against anyone, but the way ppl talk about this passing on downloaded stuff so proudly as if it`s some noble thing ..makes me sick to the gut.

u done with ur exam drhope??
no bergkamp will give it in done with it??
this is never ending topic..only thing is from few days or so there is no peace in this forum,smthng or other happens.i have never seen this before,so bit hurting
God bless you buddy..Smile

If passing downloading items makes you and kob so sick to the stomach, no one is asking you to stay around.

There are plenty of forums on the web, go choose for both of y'all a forum where you will feel swell and dandy and leave the rest of the people in peace, would you?

Stop being such a nag, no one is forcing you to stay...

ta ta

USMLEMIRACLE!!...i didn`t say passing on the material bothers me mate, i said the way ppl think it`s an act of nobility...well.. self obsessed narcisiists will never see it..dunno why i`m tryinna explain.
Well if other's act of nobility bothers you so much, why are you still hanging around? no one is putting a gun to your head asking you to stay sunny boy...

Don't let the door hit you on your way out! Smile
what kind of dr r u if u don't feel sick when seeing such destructive behavior /thoughts. if all people in this forum support bad things or illigal strongly and so happily, it is so sad for dr & scientific community. if u have to steal s.t, do it in the dark. don't yell and/or thread good people for natural reactions and consider it is great thing to do(kob was just nice at beginning indeed). "kob gonna be behind rob" ofcourse. with this discussion of your people helping each other,i feel like watching a gangster movie. y not sick.
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