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Full Version: form1b4q 38 - vinu14
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38. A 70-year-old man comes to the physician because of urinary hesitancy and frequency for 9 months. His temperature is 37.5 C (99.5 F). Examination shows a circumcised penis with no urethral discharge. Testicular examination shows no abnormalities. Rectal examination shows an enlarged rubbery prostate that is nontender to palpation. Urinalysis shows many leukocytes and no erythrocytes. Gram's stain of urine shows gram-negative rods. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this patient's condition?

) Infection of the epididymis

) Infection of the prostate

) Infection of the urethra

) Neurogenic bladder

) Outflow obstruction of the bladder
hi stenosis..i am confused...if its due to out flow obstruction..u/a- why it's showing gram negative rods...? ..may be obstruction ass c that right...could u plz eplain it?
urinary stasis with infection due to BPH. URINARY STASIS PREDISPOSESTO UTI