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Full Version: nbme1 - strongman
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35. A 17-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department by his parents because of bizarre behavior for 6 hours. Last night he was out with friends, and since returning, he has been confused and has "trashed" his room. His blood pressure is 165/95 mm Hg. He is hypervigilant, has little spontaneous speech, and is disoriented to place and time. He appears catatonic but abruptly becomes assaultive two times and needs to be restrained. Which of the following is the most likely substance taken?

) Cocaine

) Ecstasy


) Methaqualone

DDDD it sound to methanfermin intoxication
EEE. clinical sx.of PCP overdose ( disorientation, increase BP, combativeness, distortion of body image need to be restrain, or may have vertical nystagmus).
but there is no nystagmus, and per kaplan, cocaine is quite similar to pcp w/t nystagmus
_ PCP is more sx.of psychosis like combativeness, assaultiveness, body image distortion and need to restrain.
_ Cocain most common involves with constriction of blood vessel, it may have hallucination like tactile, bugs are crawling on skin. Cocain doen't have severe psychotic like PCP...