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Full Version: q94 - ebnalfady
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At a follow-up visit one month after a 22-year-old male was newly diagnosed with schizophrenia and started on chlorpromazine, he has several complaints, listed below. Which of the following cannot be attributed to chlorpromazine?
Restless feeling
Sexual dysfunction
Urinary hesitancy
clorphromazine is antiemetic

The answer is: D

Antipsychotic agents, particularly prochlorperazine, are also useful as antiemetic agents, thought to be due to dopamine blockade at the stomach and at the chemoreceptor trigger zone of the medulla.
D: Vomitting.

Side effects for Low potency Anti-psychotics (like CPZ) are Autonomic >> Extrapyramidal.

Autonomic are MUSCARINIC Block (urinary hesitancy), ALPHA block (hypotension and sexual dysfunction, and urinary incontinence) and SEDATION (via Histaminic block) it block histamine, so has anti-emetic effect.......

infact anti-pyschotics have been used for nausea and hiccups (Haloperidol...).... i have no idea how haloperidol helps in case of intractable hiccups? Any ideas on this?
sorry ...guess ebnalfady posted d answer while i was typing this!