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Full Version: study partner for goljan rapid reviw - studious
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Will start goljan rapid review from monday morning at 10 a.m. If anyone wants to join, please leave your skype i.d. or e-mail address.
I'm interested email me at usmlefun. 10 a:m PST?
does this goljan review mean the audio lecs posted a while back with his notes?

if ever count me in treasure_168 Smile
count me in plz
I am interested email: oakwag
Please check your e-mails. Sometimes it can go to junk mails. Sorry, we will start at 9.30 a.m. eastern time not at 10 a.m. Thanks for all the responses.
i am interested to,my e mail is Maheen_ma
please add me I am also interested in. reviewstep
i am studying goljan now....if you want to join me at yahoo messenger same screen name
also am interested,plz count meConfusedcofield372.
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