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Full Version: NBME form 1 Q2 - azaaza
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A 42-year-old computer science professor is brought to the physician by her husband, who reports insidious changes in his wife's personality and behavior. He reports that she believes that aliens have been speaking to her and tampering with their heating and air-conditioning systems. He says that she was upset when she turned 40 years old, and her symptoms have developed since that time. She was adopted, and her family history is unknown. Physical examination shows vermicular movements of the tongue and bilateral writhing motions of the upper extremities. Mental status examination shows indifference to her condition and mild to moderate difficulty with memory and calculations.
A ) Acute stress disorder

B ) Dementia, Alzheimer's type

C ) Dissociative amnesia

D ) General paresis

E ) Head trauma

F ) Hepatolenticular degeneration (Wilson's disease)

G ) HIV encephalitis

H ) Huntington's disease

I ) Major depressive disorder

J ) Multi-infarct (vascular) dementia

K ) Niacin deficiency

L ) Normal-pressure hydrocephalus

M ) Parkinson's disease

N ) Pick's disease

O ) Schizophrenia, catatonic type
h. huntington
I think so too.