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Full Version: NBME form 1 Q5 - azaaza
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22. A 3-year-old girl is brought to the physician after her mother noted blood on her underpants. Examination shows genital condylomata acuminata in the perineal, peri-introital, labial, and anal areas. Some of the pedunculated condylomata appear to have caused the bleeding. She has no visible intravaginal condylomata or vaginal or anal tears. Her mother has a palmar wart on her hand but no history of condylomata acuminata. Her mother has a boyfriend who does not live with them and who has never been left alone with the girl. They live with the mother's 27-year-old brother who only baby-sits the children when they are asleep. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?

) Psychiatric assessment of the mother

) DNA typing of the mother's palmar wart for papillomavirus

) Treatment of the mother's palmar wart

) Vaginal, anal, and throat cultures for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae in the child

) Laser therapy of the condylomata acuminata in the child
D.but its kaplam peds, trichomonas and warts in>3 years,always look for sexual abuse.
Has the question exclude all the possibility of sexual abuse. If it does, how abut C?