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Full Version: Exam in 4 days please help!!!!!!!! - penne007
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hi guys I know every1 is busy studying, but i just have a few questions, How is the UW self assessment exam? is it worth giving? has anyone who took the step 1 exam recently found a correlation with the scores of both exams? anyone that has taken exam is it similar to the NBME? It would mean soooo much to me if some1 can answer my Q , thank you in advance & please keep me in your prayers thanks
any one ? other than pkimokim
Your exam is very near. I am not sure suggesting u now to take nbme would be good idea or not. If u want to give a try the taken nbme 2. I dont know about your position that u can postponed your or not. Because good score in nbme will boost your confidence and if it would be other way around then it will have a bad effect. Anyways the final decision would be yours. gl
I did uw,and nbme4 a couple of days later, roughly the same score, 20 point difference but then I'm UW sensitized. I'd say go for nbme, btw we are in the same shoes
i took it a few weeks looks a lot like Step 2. I got frustrated on some of the questions and had to re-read books again. It has very few questions like UW q-bank, hardly any neuroanatomy, hardly any MRI or X-rays. I would suggest go to websites with X-rays and MRI's and histo, webpath day before exam. - very good site. Review Kaplan MRI's and all the pictures in FA and Goljan's slides. Take care!
hey penne, whats ur email?
To mustpassusmle, you mention 20 points difference between form4 and UW assessment. Did you score Higher on NBME or on UWorld assessment?