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can someone please explain what SLR and Patrick is
You do this when you have a pt with LOW BACK PAIN , ok..
You tell the patient to lie supine .."Mr/Mrs.Could you lie down for me, ok.thank could you extend yoru leg up as much as you can, let me know if it hurts , ok ""
You do this with the rt and lf leg, so positive SLT is when the pt extend the leg -pain occurs...
Patrick test I am trying to recall and I will be back with you..
I hope that helps..
I bealive that Patrick was some old fashion test regarding the pregnant woman belly by measuring the belly you measure the fundus or whatever , but I remember last year I ask my oby-gyn and he stated that that is 10 or more years back--don't pay attention to PATRIC except for St.Patrick's day ..
BUT do know how to do SLR..ok
thank you thank you thank you
jovonat, isn't SLR a test which you do yourself on the patient by flexing the hip keeping the
knee straight, I don't think that you ask the patient to extend the leg!!
Ok cookr, medically expressed you are absolutelly correct, but what i meant is "Mr/Mrs. i am going to raise your leg up, could you keep your knee straigth and let me know if it hurts on the back of your tigh or lower back-Thank you "