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Although u r in hot atmosphere right now, but would u plz take a second and give me your idea?

I've graduated 2004, done with my step1 exam with the score of 97/240. Not even applying for this match. I will take my step2 in March and my CSA in around april or so. I'm also US citizen.

My strategy for applying next year is applying to All big names, maybe 4 or 5 low programs in cat section and about 10-15 prelim spot, all in low programs just for back up and taking it as one year USCE.

I can do lot's of things in that one year, research and so on and wish for big names to call me.

do u think it's wise and possible? or u think I find one cat program next year and wish for better tomorrow?


If you have everything figured out so well...what r u asking people???

Advice is what we ask from whom we arleady know the answer but wish we didn't.
Great mind.

If you really have a year time, why don't you pick a nice big name place you like, pick a lab of some influential big shot in that peticular department of medicine and do research for a year. then around late spring/early summer you let him know you would like to apply for residency at that institution.
I know a IMG, who just did that and then matched into Brigham woman.

you have made the atmosphere hotter.

Very good plan of action. Nothing is impossible.
Go for it

how can we get reserch for god sake. i think it is harder than getting position

depends, have you done any research before? do you need visa?
If you do not need any visa and are a medical graduate, you will have no problem to find a position as a research assistant.