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that is how i got the best 2 interview invitations thus far, UNIVERSITY programs...

and one of them even rescheduled other candidates to accomodate me on the day of my choosing..

ps. i dont have 99/99 by the way!!

bottom line: season is over only for the miserable and pessimistic people, u dont need to be one of them.

wot r ur credentials? and where did u get interviews from?

disagree with you, usmleman-match. After I read your message I called a couple of programs, they all say if I did not get in touch that means mostly I get denied or they say you may want to look for postmatch. I did not want to continue to call them by loosing my hope.

BTW I have both steps at high 80s, cs awaiting, GC, old graduate.

I was just wondering which programs did you get interviews at?

i would agree to usmleman-match. i called a program and all they asked was if i need visa. i told that i m on gc. 2 days later i got the interview

hey usmleman-match...
i only have my step1 score so far in the early u think i should call programs now or wait for my step2 score to come out? it should be here in about 2 weeks inshallah.
let me know plz.

boggs: i think u can call them, be nice, polite and show sense of Interest. if u made 30 phone calls and got one interview out of these, then u are a winner... nothing to lose.
tell them ur step2 score is coming soon and u are expecting a similar great score like step 1(an opportunity to highlight ur scores again)
most co-ordinators are nice, few are rude.. so keep ur cool.

for others, this is my own personal experience, i have to be honest also to say that i got at the same day 2-3 rejections.

and also worth mentioning is that programs in NY are impatient with the phone call, so u got to be extra cautious. and praise the co-ordinator for her hard work with all these applications..dont be phoney!

ya...... definitely u should

I called all of them. They talled me to wait a few more weeks .and after that i still don not have anything .WHAT KNOW????????????