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Full Version: thx to guest78 - bergkamp
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i got my visa after 5 months of waiting and having to postpone my cs since may 16th..

(haven`t yet got my visa,but the status on the site has changed from pending to send passport) hopefully in a week...

a special special thanks to K who has given lot of moral support thru this..god bless u. Smile Smile

for others who r waiting for their visas...when i mailed them notifying them of this problem of delay i got the reply not to contact them again else i`ll risk delaying it further..and the next week i get it.
Congratz bergkamp...
happy days r back...
party time 4 u now....Enjoy...

& for LUCKY guest78--> plz pray 4 me also Smile)
yes,thats it my frnd...

wish u good luck!