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what kind of questions are they?
Here is the lists of questions

1. What family medicine experience will you have participated in before completing medical school? Indicate when and where these activities took place, the duration of each activity, and whether they were full or part time. We strongly recommend that all applicants have spent a minimum of 4 weeks full-time, or equivalent, with a practicing family physician, prior to being interviewed, and that this family physician write a letter to us in support of your application.
2. What are your career plans at present?
3. What interests to you have outside of medicine?
4. What are the interests, activities, and plans of other persons (if any) who would be residing with you during residency?
5. Why are you applying to THIS program?
6. In what specific ways to you think YOU can contribute to this program?
7. Are you applying to any other specialties?
8. How did you hear about our program?
9. What are your interview date preferences?
The University of Washington, with whom we are affiliated, requires that the following questions be asked of all residency candidates in addition to those questions answered in your ERAS application. A "yes" answer to any of these questions requires and explanation. A positive response to a question does not necessarily preclude acceptance.
1. Have you ever been involved in a malpractice lawsuit or claim (whether or not you were individually named as a defendant)?
2. Have you ever been called before any entity for questioning concerning unprofessional conduct, incompetence, negligence, unsafe practices, or mental or physical impairment?
3. Have you ever been addicted to, or treated for addiction to, a controlled substance, drug or chemical?
4. Have you ever used a prescription drug, including controlled substances, for other than therapeutic purposes?
5. Are you currently suffering from any disability or illness (mental or physical) which could affect your ability to fully practice medicine?
What the heck. you need to answer all those questions. Don't they lok at CAF?.
I want to ask them my questions, will they allow me?.
My freinds wait for a day where you go calls from hospitals and just join. With the population againg and law suit fears, who si going into teh medical field?.
what is their purpose for doing this? but how do you answer these questions? we can give you some advice if you would like.
to remo 2002
Sure, ANy advice is most welcome.. I m being stuck how to answer them. I will really appericitae your help in solving this enigma.
I am confused for 1st question in first set. What to write in that beacuse I am an Indian Grad and we do not have any family medicine rotation in undergrad. so how to answer them and managa a LOR from same person.
certainly the first question is not for you since you are not a medical school student. this question is for AMG. so dont worry about the 1st question.

do you know this program? why are you applying this program?
1. you faculty and staff are friendly.
2. good curiculum.
3. good place
4. what else?
May be u will expose to good veritey of patients that will enhance your knowledge in over all aspect of medicine
got one FM rejection from emory